- WEBINAR: The Basics of the Eruopean Learning Model
- Investing in career guidance – Revised edition 2021, Sursa: CEDEFOP, 2021
- The Danish Education System, Sursa: Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science, 2021
- Workplace Learning: Determinants And Consequences – Insights from the 2019 European company survey, Sursa: CEDEFOP, 2021
- Reimagining our futures together: a new social contract for education, Sursa: UNESCO, 2021
- Ce este Bildung? Și ce legătură are acesta cu EA?, Sursa: EAEA, 2022
- Gratitude in Education: Three perspectives on the educational significance of gratitude, Sursa: Academia, 2021
- Education and Training Monitor 2021, Sursa: Comisia Europeana, 2021
- Education system in Romania, Sursa: CEDEFOP, 2021
- Eurydice Today, Sursa: Eurydice, 2021
- Concluziile Consiliului privind echitatea și incluziunea în educație și formare în vederea promovării succesului educațional pentru toți, Sursa: Comisia Europeana, 2021
- The European Innovative Teaching Award, Sursa: Comisia Europeana, 2021
- Commission launches public consultation on Pathways to School Success, Sursa: Comisia Europeana, 2021
- Eurydice – News and Articles. Sursa: Eurydice, 2020
- Six months into a crisis: Reflections on international efforts to harness technology to maintain the continuity of learning, Sursa: UNESCO, 2020
- Design Fiction_Education 2027-2028, Sursa: KTH, 2020
- Mother Tongue and Early Childhood Careand Education: Synergies and Challenge, Sursa: UNESCO, 2020
- UNESCO’s education strategy for crisis-affected people on the move 2020-2020, Sursa: UNESCO, 2020
- European Education Area takes a ‘major leap forward’, Sursa: University World News, 2020
- What do early childhood education and care professionals say about their work?, Sursa: OECD, 2020
- Pedagogies for Resilient GIScience Education, Sursa: Global GIScience Education, 2020
- The Digital Transformation of Education, Sursa: UNESCO, 2020
- Reimagining learning spaces for uncertain spaces, Sursa: UNESCO, 2020
- First joint meeting of the International Commission and Advisory Board on the Futures of Education – the Director-General of UNESCO message, Sursa: UNESCO, 2020
- International review of education: journal of lifelong learning, Sursa: UNESCO, 2020
- Study for the Evaluation of ESF support to Education and Training (Thematic Objective 10), Sursa: Comisia Europeana, 2020
- THE EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND -Support to Education and Training: 2014-2018- ROMANIA , Sursa: Comisia Europeana, 2020
- A profession learning to become: the promise of collaboration between teacher organizations and academia, Sursa: UNESCO, 2020
- Personalized Learning within Teacher Education A Framework and Guidelines, Sursa: UNESCO, 2020
- Learning with the Past:Racism, Education and Reparative Futures, Sursa: UNESCO, 2020
- Education futures: conservation and change, Sursa: UNESCO, 2020
- Learning ‘for’ and ‘in’ the future: on the role of resilience and empowerment in education, Sursa: UNESCO, 2020
- From suffering to surviving, surviving to living: education for harmony with nature and humanity, Sursa: UNESCO, 2020
- A primer for engaging education stakeholders in policy reviews, Sursa: UNESCO, 2020
- Using Civic Participation and Civic Reasoning to Shape our Future and Education, Sursa: UNESCO, 2020
- Commission presents European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience, Sursa: Comisia Europeană, 2020
- European Skills Agenda. Skills for jobs, Sursa: Comisia Europeană, 2020
- European Skills Agenda for Sustainable Competitiveness, Social Fairness and Resilience, Sursa: COMISIA EUROPEANA, 2020
- Guidebook to EU Decision-Making in Education and Training. Spring 2020 Edition, Sursa: Comisia Europeană, 2020
- New Philanthropy and the Disruption of Global Education, Sursa: NORRAG, 2020
- Improving Access to Quality Early Education in Romania, Sursa: OECD, 2020
- Improving Educational Equity in Romania, Sursa: OECD, 2020
- Improving Professional Leadership in Romania’s School System, Sursa: OECD, 2020
- Improving the Teaching Profession in Romania, Sursa: OECD, 2020
- OECD Education Working Papers No. 215 – What difference do networks make to teachers’ knowledge?, Sursa: OECD, 2020
- Questions and answers: European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience, Sursa: Comisia Europeană, 2020
- Rethinking Learning. A Review of Social and Emotional Learning for Education Systems, Sursa: UNESCO, 2020
- Rethinking education in the digital age. Studiu, Sursa: Parlamentul European, 2020
- Virtual conference on Artificial Intelligence in education and training. Virtual conference report, Sursa: UNESCO, 2020
- Consolidarea statului de drept prin educație – Un ghid pentru factorii de decizie politică, Sursa: EPALE, 2019
- Drumul către integrare: Educație și migrațiune, Sursa: EPALE, 2019
- Education and training 2020, Sursa: Comisia Europeană, 2019
- Educație pentru dezvoltare durabilă după 2019, Sursa: EPALE, 2019
- Guidelines on the development of open educational resources policies, Sursa: UNESCO, 2019
- Perspective OECD privind Politicile Educaționale – Îmbunătățirea calității educaționale în România, Sursa: EPALE, 2019
- Puncte importante evidențiate de grupurile de lucru ET 2020 în perioada 2016-2017, Sursa: Comisia Europeană, 2019
- Reforma educației în Norvegia: Privind dincolo de politică pentru a realiza schimbări susținute, Sursa: EPALE, 2019
- Strengthening multi-partner cooperation to support teacher policy and improve learning. The Norwegian Teacher Initiative, Sursa: UNESCO, 2019
- The organisation of the academic year in Europe 2019/20, Sursa: Comisia Europeană, 2019
- Trends Shaping Education 2019, Sursa: EPALE, 2019
- Viziune și strategie 2018 – 2030, Sursa: România Educată, 2019
- Strategia Naționalã pentru DEZVOLTAREA DURABILÃ a României 2030, Sursa: Ministerul Educației, 2018
- Coherent policies for Europe beyond 2020. Maximising the effectiveness of smart specialisation strategies for regional development, Sursa: EUA, 2018
- Education for a Bright Future in Greece, Sursa: OECD, 2018
- Monitorul Educației și Formării 2018, Sursa: EPALE, 2018
- Crisis in education – Socio-Economic, Political & Cultural Challenges, Sursa: HM Studies & Publishing, Pella Calogiannakis, Nikos Papadakis, Amalia A. Ifanti, 2018
- Validation of Prior Learning strengthens lifelong learning for the learner – THE LEARNER AT THE CENTRE, Sursa: ECVPL, 2017
- Improving education for the invisible billion difference learners, Sursa: UNESCO, 2017
- Blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills – Responding to skills mismatches at sectoral level, Sursa: Comisia Europeană, 2017
- Date cheie privind educaţia lingvistică în şcolile din Europa, Sursa: Comisia Europeană, 2017
- Educația pentru cetățenie în școlile din Europa 2017, Sursa: Comisia Europeană, 2017
- Financial Incentives for Steering Education and Training, Sursa: EPALE, 2017
- Raportul de analiză asupra procesului de evaluare în sistemul de educație din România – 2017, Sursa: EPALE, 2017
- Raportul global de monitorizare a educației (GEM) – 2017/2018, Sursa: EPALE, 2017
- Taking the future into their own hands. Youth work and entrepreneurial learning. Final report, Sursa: EPALE, 2017
- The Quality Factor: Strengthening National Data to Monitor Sustainable Development Goal 4, Sursa: EPALE, 2017
- World Development Report 2018: ‘Learning to Realize Education’s Promise’, Sursa: EPALE, 2017
- 2016 update to the European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning. Country report – Switzerland, Sursa: Cedefop, 2016
- From Formal to Non-Formal: Education Learning and Knowledge , Sursa: ResearchGate, 2014
- Terminology of European education and training policy. A selection of 130 key terms, Sursa: Cedefop, 2014
- From Formal to Non–Formal: Education, Learning and Knowledge, Edited by Igor Ž. Žagar and Polona Kelava, Sursa: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014.
- Education Today 2013, Sursa: OECD, 2013
- Programul de formare – Metode interactive de predare, învățare, evaluare, Sursa: Universitatea din Craiova, 2012
- Scottish Qualifications Authority – Long and short papers, Sursa: Learning Forum London, 2009
- Terminology of European education and training policy. A selection of 100 key terms, Sursa: Cedefop, 2008
- Typology of knowledge, skills and competences: clarification of the concept and prototype, Sursa: CEDEFOP, 2005
- European Glossary on Education – Volume 1 − Second edition, Sursa: Euryduce, 2004